Union Types in Rust with Type-Level Lists

In this article, I will discuss a technique to represent union types in Rust. With type-level lists, we can express a set of types, and through trait resolution, determine if a particular type is part of a set or if one set is a subset of another.

The core of this technique is a recursive operation on type-level lists. To avoid conflicting implementations of traits, we will add a marker type that express the depth of recursion. With this trick, various operations on type-level lists become possible.


Union Types and Enums

Union types in languages like TypeScript and Scala allow combining multiple types into a single type. For example, in TypeScript, string | number represents a type that can be either a string or a number.

function printValue(value: string | number) {
  console.log(value); // value is either string or number

printValue("hello"); // OK
printValue(42); // also OK

Rust doesn’t have union types. In many cases, we can use enums to achieve similar functionality. For instance, to represent values that can be either a string or a number, we can define an enum:

enum Value {

Then, we can write a function that accepts Value:

fn print_value(value: Value) {
    match value {
        Value::String(s) => println!("{}", s),
        Value::Number(n) => println!("{}", n),

print_value(Value::String("hello".to_string())); // OK
print_value(Value::Number(42)); // also OK

Limitations of Enums

Although these two language features are similar, there are situations where enums are not as expressive as union types. One such case is writing functions that only accept certain cases. As an example, consider a cross-platform graphic library that supports rendering different shapes.

This library can render three types of shapes: Circle, Square, and Text. In TypeScript, we might define an abstract class Shape and three subclasses Circle, Square, and Text.

abstract class Shape {}

class Circle extends Shape {
  constructor(public radius: number) {

class Square extends Shape {
  constructor(public size: number) {

class Text extends Shape {
  constructor(public text: string) {

Suppose that our library supports the following operating systems:

  • GeometryOS: specializes in rendering geometric shapes and only supports Circle and Square.
  • TextOS: specializes in rendering text and only supports Text.
  • MightyOS: supports all shapes.

In TypeScript, we can use union types to express supported shapes and write functions that only accept certain shapes:

type GeometryShape = Circle | Square;
type TextShape = Text;
type MightyShape = GeometryShape | TextShape;

function renderOnGeometryOS(shape: GeometryShape) {
  // render circle or square

function renderOnTextOS(shape: TextShape) {
  // render text

function renderOnMightyOS(shape: MightyShape) {
  // render any shape

If we pass an unsupported shape to any of these functions, TypeScript will raise a type error.

renderOnGeometryOS(new Circle(10)); // OK
renderOnGeometryOS(new Text("hello")); // Error

Now, let’s try to implement the same functions in Rust. We model shapes as an enum:

enum Shape {
    Circle(radius: f64),
    Square(size: f64),
    Text(text: String),

However, we can’t impose constraints on functions to only accept certain cases.

fn render_on_geometry_os(shape: ???) {
    // can only render circle or square

We can use pattern matching and crash the program if an unsupported shape is passed (or maybe return a Result), but we can’t express this constraint at the type level.

In the rest of this article, I will show how to use type-level lists to represent union types in Rust and write functions that only accept certain cases.

Representing Sets of Types with Type-Level Lists

To achieve union types in Rust, we need two things: (A) a way to define a type that represents a set of types and (B) a way to check if a type is a member of a set.

We can use a type-level list to represent a set of types. We define a trait HList and implement it on two types: HNil that represents an empty list and HCons<Head, Tail> that represents a list.

struct HNil;
struct HCons<Head, Tail>(Head, Tail);

trait HList {}

impl HList for HNil {}
impl<Head, Tail> HList for HCons<Head, Tail> {}

With this definition, we can represent type-level lists as follows:

struct Circle {
    radius: f64,
struct Square {
    size: f64,
struct Text {
    text: String,

// Geometric shapes
type GeometryShapes = HCons<Circle, HCons<Square, HNil>>;
// Text shapes
type TextShapes = HCons<Text, HNil>;
// All shapes
type AllShapes = HCons<Circle, HCons<Square, HCons<Text, HNil>>>;

The repeated use of HCons and HNil is verbose, so we define a macro to simplify this. Note that this macro is just to make the code more readable; it doesn’t add any new functionality.

macro_rules! HList {
    () => { HNil };
    ($head:ty $(,)*) => { HCons<$head, HNil> };
    ($head:ty, $($tail:tt)*) => { HCons<$head, HList!($($tail)*)> };

With this macro, we can define type-level lists more concisely:

type GeometryShapes = HList!(Circle, Square);
type TextShapes = HList!(Text);
type AllShapes = HList!(Circle, Square, Text);

Checking if a Type is a Member of a Set

Now that we have a way to represent sets of types, we need a way to check if a type is a member of a set. It would be nice if we could define a trait Member that is implemented for a type if it is a member of a set. For example, we would like to write:

type GeometryShapes = HList!(Circle, Square);

fn render_on_geometry_os<S>(shape: S)
where S: Member<GeometryShapes>
    // can only render circle or square

How might we implement such a trait? Given a type-level list L, we want to implement Member<L> for all types in L. This requires recursing over the list and implementing Member for each type. Specifically, we want to implement the following two cases:

  • Base case: Head is Member<HCons<Head, Tail>>.
  • Recursive case: If T is Member<Tail>, then T is Member<HCons<Head, Tail>>.

These two cases can be encoded as follows:

trait Member<L> {}

impl<Head, Tail>    Member<HCons<Head, Tail>> for Head {}
impl<T, Head, Tail> Member<Tail>              for T
    where T: Member<HCons<Head, Tail>> {}

Unfortunately, this code doesn’t compile. The compiler will give the following error:

error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `Member<HCons<_, _>>`
  --> src/main.rs:44:1
43 | impl<Head, Tail> Member<HCons<Head, Tail>> for Head {}
   | --------------------------------------------------- first implementation here
44 | impl<T, Head, Tail> Member<Tail> for T where T: Member<HCons<Head, Tail>> {}
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation

This error arises because there are multiple trait implementations for the same type. When the type being searched for is Head, the base case implements Member<HCons<Head, Tail>> for Head. In the recursive case, Member<Tail> overlaps with this, leading the compiler to be unable to distinguish between the two trait implementations.

While Specialization might resolve this problem, this article assumes the use of stable Rust.

There is a way to solve this issue. It involves a trick I found through in the article A Gentle Intro to Type-level Recursion in Rust: From Zero to HList Sculpting, to which I refer in this article as the “Index Trick.” The core of this trick lies in separating the base case and recursive case by introducing a new type parameter (index) to Member that represents the depth of recursion.

First, we add a new type parameter Index to the Member trait:

trait Member<L, Index> {}

Next, we define two types, Here and There<Index>, to distinguish between the base case and the recursive case:

struct Here;
struct There<Index>(Index);

Here represents the base case, and There represents the recursive case. The base case implements Member<T, Here> while the recursive case implements Member<T, There<Index>> where T is Member<Tail, Index>. Since Member<H, Here> and Member<T, There<Index>> are distinct, we avoid conflicting implementations.

impl<Head, Tail: HList> Member<HCons<Head, Tail>, Here> for Head {}
impl<T, Head, Tail, Index> Member<HCons<Head, Tail>, There<Index>> for T
where T: Member<Tail, Index> {}

Here, Index represents the depth of recursion as a type parameter. Here indicates that the recursion depth is zero and does not recurse further. There<Index> indicates that recursion will continue for an additional Index times after the current level (for a total of Index + 1 times). This ensures that the compiler treats the trait implementations as distinct.

For example, given

type AllShapes = HList!(Circle, Square, Text);
  • Circle implements Member<AllShapes, Here>.
  • Square implements Member<AllShapes, There<Here>>.
  • Text implements Member<AllShapes, There<There<Here>>>.

Now, let’s define render_on_geometry_os. The Member trait requires an Index parameter, but fortunately, Rust’s type inference can deduce the Index parameter for us. We can write:

fn render_on_geometry_os<S, Index>(shape: S)
where S: Member<GeometryShapes, Index>
    // can only render circle or square

In this case, when Circle or Square is passed as an argument, the compiler will infer the Index and interpret it as Member<GeometryShapes, Here> or Member<GeometryShapes, There<Here>>. On the other hand, if Text is passed, the compiler cannot infer an Index that satisfies the S: Member<GeometryShapes, Index> constraint, resulting in a type error.


We showed that we can recursively implement Member for a type-level list using the Index Trick and Here and There. This technique provides a general method for implementing traits from type-level lists. Extending the Member trait, we can define a Subset trait that checks if one type-level set is a subset of another.

To motivate such a trait, consider the following case. We want to extend our render functions to accept multiple shapes. For example, we want to define render_multiple_on_geometry_os that accepts multiple shapes consisting of circles and squares.

// OK
    HCons(Square::new(), HNil),
// NG (Text is not a subset of GeometryShapes)
render_multiple_on_geometry_os(HCons(Text::new(), HNil));

Note that HCons and HNil here are used as constructors for a type-level list. We want to check if all types in the given list are members of GeometryShapes.

Let us consider how to implement this. Similar to Member, we define a Subset trait like so:

fn render_multiple_on_geometry_os<L>(shapes: L)
    L: Subset<GeometryShapes>
    // ...

How can we define Subset? S1 is a subset of S2 if all elements in S1 are members of S2. Therefore, Subset<S2> must be implemented for S1 when all elements in S1 are members of S2. This can be expressed as the following two cases:

  • Base case: HNil is a subset of any set, so we implement Subset<S> on HNil for any S.
  • Recursive case: For HCons<Head, Tail>, if Head is Member<S2> and Tail is Subset<S2>, then HCons<Head, Tail> is Subset<S2>.

If we implement this directly, we will encounter the same conflicting implementation issue as with Member. To work around this, we use the Index Trick. Since Subset involves both recursion on Head (for checking membership) and recursion on Tail (for checking the subset for the rest of the list), we need two indices. To handle this, we define a Pair type that combines two Index types.

struct Pair<Index1, Index2>(Index1, Index2);

Pair combines two Index values to construct a new index. We use this to define the Subset trait:

trait Subset<S, Index> {}

// Base case: `HNil` is a subset of any collection
impl<S> Subset<S, Here> for HNil {}

// Recursive case: `Head` is a `Member<S, Index1>` and `Tail` is a `Subset<S, Index2>`
impl<Head, Tail, S, Index1, Index2> Subset<S, Pair<Index1, Index2>> for HCons<Head, Tail>
    Head: Member<S, Index1>,
    Tail: Subset<S, Index2>,

Finally, we define the render_multiple_on_geometry_os function to let Rust infer the Index for Subset, just like with Member.

fn render_multiple_on_geometry_os<L>(shapes: L)
    L: Subset<GeometryShapes>
    // ...

This allows the render_multiple_on_geometry_os function to accept lists composed only of geometric shapes.

When specifying trait bounds with where, multiple bounds can be specified, and type parameters can appear on the right-hand side. By leveraging this feature, we can even determine whether two collections are equal by checking subset relations in both directions.

To do something meaningful with HList as values (the argument of render_multiple_on_geometry_os), we need to constrain the types of Head to implement some trait so we can interact with them.

When specifying trait bounds with where, multiple bounds can be specified, and type parameters can appear on the right-hand side. By leveraging this feature, we can even determine whether two collections are equal by checking subset relations in both directions.

Why are you doing this?

Before concluding, I want to share another example of how this technique can be useful (this is also the reason I started exploring this technique).

I have used the described technique for ChoRus: a Rust library for choreographic programming. In choreographic programming, instead of writing separate programs for each node of a distributed system, we write a single program (called a choreography) that describes the global behavior of the system. This choreography is then projected into local programs for each node through a process called endpoint projection.

In choreographies, some data is located at specific nodes, and we need to ensure that the data is accessed only by the nodes that own it. ChoRus represent nodes (or “locations”) as types that implement the ChoreographyLocation trait. For example, we can define two locations, Alice and Bob, as follows:

struct Alice;

struct Bob;

ChoRus defines the Located type to associate a value with a location. For example, Located<i32, Alice> represents an integer located at Alice. Using PhantomData, Located<i32, Alice> and Located<i32, Bob> are distinct types, and the compiler will raise a type error if we try to access data at the wrong location.

When writing a choreography, we have a set of locations that are involved in the choreography. We want to ensure that all locations in the choreography are valid locations. ChoRus uses the Member trait to check if a location is a member of the set of locations involved in the choreography.

struct TestChoreography;
impl Choreography for TestChoreography {
    // `L` is the set of locations involved in the choreography
    type L = LocationSet!(Alice, Bob);
    fn run(self, op: &impl ChoreoOp<Self::L>) {
        // Run a local computation at Alice.
        // This type-checks because Alice is a member of `L`
        op.locally(Alice, |_| {
            println!("Hello, World!");
        // This doesn't type-check because Charlie is not a member of `L`
        op.locally(Charlie, |_| {
            println!("Hello, World!");

In order to execute a choreography, we need to provide a mechanism for each location to be able to communicate with other locations. In ChoRus, the Transport trait is used to define how messages are sent between locations. To ensure all locations in the choreography can communicate with each other, ChoRus uses the Subset trait to check if the set of locations involved in the choreography is a subset of the set of locations supported by the transport.

For more details, please refer to the ChoRus repository and the documentation!


In this article, we saw how to represent type collections similar to Union Types using Rust’s trait resolution. By using type-level lists, we can represent collections of types, and through trait resolution, we can check whether a particular type is part of a collection or whether one collection is a subset of another. With the Index trick, we can perform recursive operations on type-level lists, enabling various operations such as subset checking and equality checking. This technique can be useful and gives us more expressive power in Rust and gives us opportunities to design type-safe APIs or DSLs.